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family therapy after a divorce

Have you recently been through a divorce? Are you feeling the impact of the divorce in ways that you didn't plan for? After my divorce, my kids and I went through several months where they were angry and I felt like a complete failure. It was almost a year before I decided to begin seeing a family therapist to help us get through such a difficult transitional time for the entire family. She was so understanding, compassionate and helpful. She helped us talk through our feelings and provided us with the tools that we needed to get through the most difficult time in our lives.

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family therapy after a divorce

Depression In Men Is A Real Problem

by Fernando Barnett

In a culture where men are told to "man up" when they show any signs of weakness, it can be difficult for a man to admit to being depressed. The National Institute of Mental Health says that more than 6 million men each year do develop some type of depression. If you're a man, you may be uncomfortable with this statistic, but if your work and relationships are being affected by your mood, you may be hiding from the facts. Here is how depression may be robbing you of your life.

Depression Comes in Different Forms

There are different types of depression, and individuals respond to their illness in unique ways. The two broad categories encompassing depression symptoms include:

Major Depression - There is no identifiable cause for this form. The symptoms can come on suddenly and last for months before going away. The symptoms may or may not come back at a later date. Situational Depression - This depression comes from a significant change in a person's life. A job change, divorce or death in the family can bring on symptoms. The symptoms will last for a short time, days or weeks, then go away. This depression won't return unless triggered by another major life change.

Signs That You May Be Experiencing Depression

You may not feel sadness, which is a common symptom of depression. This can make the diagnosis difficult, because the other symptoms can look like a physical illness. Your doctor may have you go through numerous diagnostic tests for a physical problem, only to realize that the issue is depression. The following signs can indicate a physical illness, so it's wise to get the exam. But be open to the possibility that you may be feeling depressed and need a little help.

Loss of interest - You don't feel like going out with your friends and decline offers to participate in activities that you often enjoyed.

Fatigue - You feel tired most of the time at work and at home. This keeps you from starting or finishing projects.

Disrupted sleep schedule - You lie awake for hours without being able to get to sleep. You wake up frequently during the night. Or you have trouble getting up out of bed in the morning.

Miscellaneous aches and pains - You may find yourself with back, neck or stomach pain with no particular cause. Your doctor will find no physical cause after an exam and testing.

Irritability - Friends and loved ones may "get on your nerves" and you may even respond angrily to them, something you never do. The externalization of depression in men can come out as anger or frustration.

Difficulty concentrating - You may find it hard to focus on work or family matters. At work, it can be hard to stay on one task until you get it done. Your job performance may decline.

Substance abuse - Some men choose to deal with these uncomfortable feelings through excessive drinking or by developing a drug dependence.

Reduced sexual response - Your sex life can be affected as depression can make it difficult to become intimately aroused.

If you're struggling with any of these symptoms, hiding from the possibility of depression will not make them go away. Get your life back by first recognizing that you may be depressed, then get the treatment you need.

Talk to experts like Dr Kuris Counseling Centers for more information.
