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family therapy after a divorce

Have you recently been through a divorce? Are you feeling the impact of the divorce in ways that you didn't plan for? After my divorce, my kids and I went through several months where they were angry and I felt like a complete failure. It was almost a year before I decided to begin seeing a family therapist to help us get through such a difficult transitional time for the entire family. She was so understanding, compassionate and helpful. She helped us talk through our feelings and provided us with the tools that we needed to get through the most difficult time in our lives.

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family therapy after a divorce

Three Ways You Can Benefit from DUI Counseling

by Fernando Barnett

In many states, DUI counseling is optional after you have been arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated or under the influence. However, a few states have made this type of counseling mandatory after such an arrest. If this is your first arrest for this offense, you may be able to satisfy the court by taking a fine and doing counseling. A subsequent arrest will carry fines, jail time, and counseling. If you live in one of the 14 locations where DUI counseling is optional, the following are three reasons you should seek this type of counseling after a DUI arrest and conviction.

Responsible Drinking

DUI counseling will give you tools to help you drink responsibly. This means that you will learn to only drink when you can stay in one place or when you have a designated driver that can get you where you need to go if you have had too much to drink. If you can't find someone to drive you home, your counseling will teach you how to stay in one place until you sober up or pay a ride-sharing service or taxi company to get you home. You will also learn the consequences of driving while intoxicated, and this can help you to drink responsibly in the future.

Root Cause

DUI counseling can also help you identify the root cause of your drinking and why you got arrested for driving under the influence in the first place. You may drink for the wrong reasons, and this counseling can help you identify that and refer you to other resources that can help you stop. If that is not your issue, your DUI counseling can help you identify how you ended up behind the wheel after having too much to drink and help you learn how to prevent this from happening in the future.

Legal Benefits

There may also be legal benefits associated with attending DUI counseling after an arrest, depending on where you live. The court could give you less jail time, reduce your fines, or reduce the charges on your record. You may also be able to get a reduction in points on your license if your state participates in such a program. Your attorney can help you determine what legal benefits are offered to offenders who complete a DUI counseling program.

DUI counseling can be completed in person in your local area, or online through an approved provider. Whether you will reap legal benefits from the program or not, you should attend for the personal benefits you will gain. Talk to a counseling provider such as Counseling Center of Illinois for information about how to enroll. 
